Rules on XML to JSON Conversion |
The default XML to JSON conversion rules are as below.
Pattern Description |
Access |
Empty Element |
<Name></Name> |
Name:"" |
Element with text and no other children |
<Name>Alchemist</Name> |
Name:"Alchemist" |
Element with children 1 |
<Book><Name>Alchemist</Name><Author>Paulo Coehlo</Author></Book> |
Book:{ Name:"Alchemist", Author:"Paulo Coehlo" } |
Accessing Book Id and Book Author Book.Name Book.Author |
Element with children 2 |
<Book id="ISBN:1321324354436"> <Name>Alchemist</Name> <Author country="Brazil">Paulo Coehlo</Author> |
Book:{ "@id":"ISBN:1321324354436", "Name":"Alchemist", Author: { "text":"Paulo Coehlo", "@country":"Brazil" } } |
Accessing Book Id and Book name Book["@id"] Book.Name |
Element with attributes and text |
<Book><Author country="Brazil">Paulo Coehlo</Author><Book> |
Book:{ Author: { text:"Paulo Coehlo", "@country":"Brazil" } } |
Accessing Author and Author Country Book.Author.text Book.Author.["@country"] |
Namespace (are also considered attributes) |
<Author country="Brazil" xmlns="">Paulo Coehlo</Author> |
Author: { "text":"Paulo Coehlo", "@country":"Brazil", "@xmlns":""} |
Accessing name space for Author Author["@xmlns"] |
Element with prefix |
<Book><demo:Author country="Brazil" xmlns:demo="">Paulo Coehlo</demo:Author> <Book> |
Book:{ "demo:Author":{ "text":"Paulo Coehlo", "@country":"Brazil", "@xmlns" : "" } } |
Accessing Author text and Country Book["demo:Author"].text Book["demo:Author"]["@country"] |
null="true" |
<Name null="true" xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/> |
Name:"" |
Arrays |
<Books><Book><Name>The Prophet</Name> <Author>Kahlil Gibran</Author></Book><Book><Name>Alchemist</Name><Author>Paulo Coehlo</Author></Book> <Book><Name>Tuesdays with Morrie</Name><Author>Mitch Albom</Author></Book></Books> |
Books:{Book:[ { Name:"The Prophet", Author:"Kahlil Gibran" }, { Name:"Alchemist", Author:"Paulo Coehlo"}, { Name:"Tuesdays with Morrie", Author:"Mitch Albom"} ]} |
Arrays without Child | <Books><Book>A</Book><Book>B</Book><Book>C</Book></Books> |
Books:{ Book:["A","B","C"]} } |